The Cyprus Atmospheric Observatory station in Nicosia currently consists of two containers on the grounds of the Cyprus Institute at the Athalassa campus, in Aglantzia. The containers are stacked on top of each other, with sampling instruments located in the top container.
This station serves two purposes to CAO: First, it is a testing ground where instruments can be developed/tested/optimized/repaired. This is necessary when adapting instruments to new platforms, such as UAVs; when instruments are going to/coming back from campaigns; when instruments are not operating up to the high standards required for research work; or when performing comparison between multiple instruments measuring the same/similar variables. The second function of this station is to operate as an air quality station, with parameters such as CO, SO2, NOX, O3, PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations being monitored constantly (Thermo 4# C series and 1405-DF TEOM instruments).
The station will be relocated on the top floor of the Climate and Atmosphere Research Centre building once construction is finalised in 2022/23.
Hosted Instruments

Manufacturer: Aerodyne Inc
Model: Q-ACSM
Measures: PM1 chemical composition non refractive

Manufacturer: Magee Scientific
Model: AE33-7
Measures: Particulate Absorption VI

Manufacturer: Magee Scientific
Model: AE33-7
Measures: Particulate Absorption PM1

Manufacturer: Chromatotek
Model: airmoBTX
Measures: hydrocarbons C6 and beyond

Manufacturer: Chromatotek
Model: GC 866 airmoVOC C2-C6
Measures: hydrocarbons C2 – C6

Manufacturer: Teledyne-API
Model: T300
Measures: CO

Manufacturer: CAVAZZA ANNA Sas
Model: EasySPT200
Measures: Pollen & Fungal spores
Manufacturer: PALAS
Model: FIDAS 200
Measures: PM concentrations

Manufacturer: Leckel
Model: SEQ47/50
Measures: TSP, PM2.5 & PM10

Model: CE 376
Measures: Aerosol Backscatter coefficient (2-WL + 1 polarisation)
Manufacturer: Applicon
Model: 2S
Measures: Chemical Composition of water soluble ions

Manufacturer: Teledyne-API
Model: T500U
Measures: trace NO2

Manufacturer: Teledyne-API
Model: T200U_NOy
Measures: trace NO, NO2

Manufacturer: Teledyne-API
Model: T400
Measures: O3
Manufacturer: Grimm
Model: 180
Measures: Size distribution

Manufacturer: Picarro
Model: G2401
Measures: CO2, CH4, CO, H2O

Manufacturer: Teledyne-API
Model: T100U
Measures: trace SO2
Manufacturer: Bruker Optik GmbH
Model: IFS 125HR
Measures: Xgas (gas = CO2, CH4, CO, N2O, H2O, HDO, HF)

Manufacturer: Thermo Scientific
Model: 1405-DF
Measures: PM mass

Manufacturer: Ionicon
Model: 4000
Measures: VOCs

Manufacturer: CAVAZZA ANNA Sas
Model: VPPS2000
Measures: Pollen & Fungal spores
Manufacturer: Campbell Scientific
Model: CR1000
Measures: atmospheric pressure
Manufacturer: Gill Instruments Ltd
Model: Option 1
Measures: Wind speed and direction
Manufacturer: Kipp and Zonen
Model: CMP 3
Measures: Solar irradiance
Manufacturer: Delta OHM
Measures: Rain intensity
Manufacturer: Campbell Scientific
Model: Hygrovue5
Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity

Manufacturer: Cooper Scientific
Model: 625i
Measures: Trace Metals in ambient air