Troodos is the highest location in Cyprus, at an altitude above 1.8km. The Cyprus Atmospheric Observatory is in the preparations for installing a container-laboratory at the top of Cyprus, having already secured a suitable piece of land.
The location will allow CAO to sample from the free troposphere during the cooler half of the year, when the boundary layer is below 2,000 meters.
Hosted Instruments
Press + to see more information about each instrument.
CO analyser
Manufacturer: Teledyne-API
Model: T300
Measures: CO
NO2 analyser
Manufacturer: Teledyne-API
Model: T500U
Measures: trace NO2
NOy analyser
Manufacturer: Teledyne-API
Model: T200U_NOy
Measures: trace NO, NOy
O3 analyser
Manufacturer: Teledyne-API
Model: T400
Measures: O3
SO2 analyser
Manufacturer: Teledyne-API
Model: T100U
Measures: trace SO2