Opening of the CAO-Troodos station

During the summer 2021, the CAO team has been working hard to prepare the new CAO station at Troodos mountains (34°56’N 32°51’E, >1800 m a.s.l.).
The station was delivered earlier this year and we managed to drill brand new inlets for the future instruments, assembled racks for gas analysers and installed an AC unit, just in time before the winter. Naturally, the station is also equipped with a fire extinguisher and first aid kits.
On the 25th of September 2021, the CAO group along with friends and family celebrated the grand opening of the station, marked by the cutting of the red tape by the director of CARE-C centre Professor Jean Sciare.
At the moment, the CAO-Troodos station hosts trace gas analysers (CO, NO2, NOy, O3 and SO2). In the future we will continue expanding our station with (aerosol in situ and remote sensing) and VOC measurements. Please contact us if you would like to conduct measurements at CAO-Troodos site!